Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bring my own grocery bags for 21 days

According to reusablebags.com, one million plastic bags are used each minute across the globe. That's 60,000,000 bags per hour. It's hard to imagine! Aside from stragglers caught in trees or blowing down the street, where do all of those bags wind up when we're done with them?

One pile of plastic bags took a break from blowing in the wind to testify in front of the Santa Monica City Council. Hear what he had to say:

With the debate over paper vs. plastic picking up steam, cities from San Francisco to Paris are charging extra for the use of plastic shopping bags or banning them altogether. Both types of disposable totes have their disadvantages, so why not switch to reusable bags? It's cheaper and more convenient to find your own shopping totes around the house, but if you must buy new ones, try these collapsible bags from Envirosax. They even come with a free shower timer to help you keep a lid on your water bill.

We've heard that it takes 21 days to kickstart a new habit, so try hauling in style for the next three weeks and see if the practice becomes automatic. Take it a step further and ask your favorite retailer to offer a cash credit to shoppers who bring their own bags.

What's in your bag? Show off the results of your latest shopping trip using reusable totes on our Flickr photo pool.

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